Upstart 1.10 released

James Hunt james.hunt at
Fri Aug 23 15:23:44 UTC 2013

Summary of changes:

* upstart-local-bridge: New bridge for starting jobs on local
  socket connections.
* upstart-dconf-bridge: New bridge for Session Inits.
* upstart-dbus-bridge: New '--bus-name' option to allow bus name
  variable to be included in dbus-event(7).
* New "reload signal" stanza to allow jobs to specify a custom signal
  that will be sent to the main process (rather than the default SIGHUP).
* Inclusion of Session Init sample jobs.
* Re-exec fixes for handling chroot sessions.
* Shutdown fix for Session Inits.
* New python3 module and accompanying integration test suite for
  testing Upstart running as PID 1 and as a Session Init
  (priveleged and non-privileged).

Thanks to all the contributors, reviewers, testers and users.

Download it from launchpad:

Kind regards,

James Hunt
#upstart on freenode

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