starting with upstart

Alexander Petrov alexxxbt at
Mon Oct 29 20:44:29 UTC 2012

Hello Joshi,
No, actually upstart also supports old-style scripts
You can leave them without any changes
They will work via rc.conf wrapper (which will provide runlevels for old

PS: I'm not upstart developer, but user
29.10.2012 20:40 пользователь "joshi dhaval" <d_joshi84 at> написал:

> Hi,
> I am new to upstart and have some question to implement it on RHEL 6 ...
> when we install upstart, do we have to convert services manually to
> upstart ? for example we have services under init.d like nfs, nis,
> kerberos., automount .. do i have to convert them all to manage by upstart ?
> or are they available somewhere , already tested ?
> Regards,
> Dhaval
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