[Merge] lp:~upstart-devel/upstart/stateful-reexec into lp:upstart

James Hunt james.hunt at canonical.com
Wed Nov 14 14:54:41 UTC 2012

> Hi James,
> Reviewing just the parts of the diff that are new since the last time I looked at the branch.
> This part of init/session.c looks strange:
> +       if (getenv ("UPSTART_TESTS"))
> +               return;
> +
>         if (conf_source_reload (source) < 0) {
>                 NihError *err;
> The commit message only says:
>     - session_create_conf_source(): Don't reload conf sources when in
>       testing mode.
> without explaining why.

I've now removed this: it was required for an earlier iteration of the test code, but is now redundant.

> In init/tests/test_util.c:
> + * Returns 0 if strings are identical or both NULL, else 1.
> + **/
> +int
> +string_check (const char *a, const char *b)
> +{
> +       if ((a == b) && !a)
> +               return 0;
> +
> This '&& !a' seems unnecessary - surely if a == b and are /not/ null, there's no need to call strcmp to confirm that the strings are equal.

That test is a just a more compact way of saying:

    if (a == NULL && b == NULL)

... such that -- considered with the following test -- we never pass NULL to strcmp(). However, it is slightly cryptic, so for symmetry with the test that follows it I've changed the test to:

    if (!a && !b)

> === modified file 'init/blocked.c'
> --- init/blocked.c      2012-07-30 14:07:37 +0000
> +++ init/blocked.c      2012-11-13 06:01:51 +0000
> @@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ blocked_type_enum_to_str (BlockedType ty
>  BlockedType
>  blocked_type_str_to_enum (const char *type)
>  {
> +       if (! type)
> +               goto error;
> +
>         state_str_to_enum (BLOCKED_JOB, type);
>         state_str_to_enum (BLOCKED_EVENT, type);
>         state_str_to_enum (BLOCKED_EMIT_METHOD, type);
> @@ -141,5 +144,6 @@ blocked_type_str_to_enum (const char *ty
>         state_str_to_enum (BLOCKED_INSTANCE_STOP_METHOD, type);
>         state_str_to_enum (BLOCKED_INSTANCE_RESTART_METHOD, type);
> +error:
>         return -1;
>  }
> The above is documented as "Made resilient to error conditions".  But this doesn't appear to be a real-world error condition at all; the only place in the code that blocked_type_str_to_enum() is called is in state.c:
>         if (! state_get_json_string_var_strict (json, "type", NULL, blocked_type_str))
>                 goto error;
>         blocked_type = blocked_type_str_to_enum (blocked_type_str);
> This means there's no possibility of the function ever being called with a null argument (and likewise for the other str_to_enum functions), so this must be here just for the test suite.  I don't think it's a good idea to complicate either the code or the test suite by handling errors that the code is written to never allow!  I've pushed a branch to address this at
> lp:~vorlon/upstart/stateful-reexec-dont-shape-code-to-impossible-tests and raised an MP for your consideration.

Thanks. I've changed this and the other *_str_to_enum() functions to assert their argument and updated the tests accordingly.

> === modified file 'init/job_process.c'
> --- init/job_process.c  2012-08-25 08:53:37 +0000
> +++ init/job_process.c  2012-11-13 10:47:50 +0000
> @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ job_process_run (Job         *job,
>                 while (p && (*p == '\n'))
>                         p++;
> -               if ((! nl) || (! *p)) {
> +               if ((! nl) || (p && ! *p)) {
>                         /* Strip off the newline(s) */
>                         if (nl)
>                                 *nl = '\0';
> This change is documented as "Stop potential NULL-pointer dereference".  But here's the full context:
>                 p = nl = strchr (script, '\n');
>                 while (p && (*p == '\n'))
>                         p++;
>                 if ((! nl) || (p && ! *p)) {
>                         /* Strip off the newline(s) */
>                         if (nl)
>                                 *nl = '\0';
> So the only way p can be NULL is if 'script' contains no newlines.  In that case, nl is also null, and the first part of the if will short-circuit without ever trying to dereference p.  Why did you consider this a potential NULL dereference?  Did this come from a compiler warning?

I'd already picked over this, but had overlooked that it hadn't been removed from this branch - reverted.

> init/log.c, log_deserialise():
> -       /* Stop fd leaking to children */
> -       if (log->fd != -1) {
> -               if (state_toggle_cloexec (log->fd, TRUE) < 0)
> -                       goto error;
> -       }
> +       /* re-apply CLOEXEC flag to stop log file fd being leaked to children */
> +       if (log->fd != -1 && state_toggle_cloexec (log->fd, TRUE) < 0)
> +               return NULL;
> Neither of these is quite right.  By this point, we've already successfully deserialized the log object.  Returning NULL if we fail to set CLOEXEC doesn't help us - in fact, it means upstart will lose all track of the fd and will *never* close it, even when the associated job stops.  So we should just ignore failures to set CLOEXEC on deserialization, so that we at least have a chance to clean up the fd later.  Fix for this pushed to the branch.

We haven't actually deserialised the log at this point (since we haven't called log_new()). However, I agree that we would leak the fd in the failure scenario so your fix looks good.

> --- init/session.c      2012-09-24 14:43:33 +0000
> +++ init/session.c      2012-10-10 13:24:51 +0000
> @@ -467,9 +467,9 @@
>  static Session *
>  session_deserialise (json_object *json)
>  {
> -       Session              *session;
> +       Session              *session = NULL;
>         nih_local const char *chroot = NULL;
> -       uid_t                 user;
> +       uid_t                 user = (uid_t)-1;
>         nih_assert (json);
> This is a misleading initialization.  -1 is a perfectly valid value for a uid_t; it MUST NOT be used as an error sentinel.  Fortunately nothing in the code below uses it this way, but it would be better to avoid such confusion.

Good catch - this was I'm sure added (erroneously) to appease a compiler warning at some stage. I'd like to see a system with that many users though ;-) Fixed.

> + * _state_get_json_str_array_generic:
> + *
> + * @parent: parent object for new array (may be NULL),
> + * @json: json_object pointer,
> + * @array: array to hold output,
> + * @len: length of @array,
> + * @env: TRUE if @json represents an array of environment variables,
> + *  else FALSE,
> The 'env' parameter to this macro is completely unused.  Not sure what the difference is meant to be between an env array and a regular string array?
> Otherwise this looks good to me.  I think it's ready to land, with or without <lp:~vorlon/upstart/stateful-reexec-dont-shape-code-to-impossible-tests>.

Well spotted. An env array differs from a string array in that the former is an array of environment variables where values are expanded under certain circumstances.

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