conf-change reload issue, ui suggestions...

David Jeske davidj at
Fri Mar 30 03:37:14 UTC 2012

n Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Scott James Remnant <scott at>wrote:

> Yup, and they're all wrong. Some of them even START apache when it wasn't
> already running, and that's clearly wrong.

I can see why lacking a mechanism like upstart-restart is imprecise, and
why adding that mechanism is clearly a 'good thing'.  I don't, however, see
anything "wrong" with making common user-operations convenient.

I don't care what it's called, but failing to provide this capability is
kinda missing the #1 thing some reasonable set of users do (as evidenced by
the fact that all the other tools are built to do it). We certainly need it
for our usage.

Do you have opposition to something like "initctl fstart"  (i.e.
flush/force start) that basically stops if started, forces a config reload,
and then starts?
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