[Merge] lp:~vorlon/upstart/lp.980917 into lp:upstart

James Hunt james.hunt at canonical.com
Fri Aug 3 13:54:24 UTC 2012

Review: Needs Fixing

Hi Steve,

Good catch! The patch seems to have a stray 'needs_devtmpfs' at line 304:

301         if (stat ("/dev/ptmx", &statbuf) < 0 || !S_ISCHR(statbuf.st_mode) 
302             || major(statbuf.st_dev) != 5 || minor(statbuf.st_dev) != 2) 
303             needs_devtmpfs = 1;            
304         if (needs_devtmpfs
305             || stat("/dev/pts", &statbuf) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
306             needs_devtmpfs = 1;

Also, I noticed (gcc didn't ;-) that the mknod parameters have been inadvertently transposed. To be safe we should also specify the permissions for the device nodes we're creating (and possibly explicitly set umask).

Finally, I think we need a slightly more holistic view on Upstart-in-initramfs-less-environments since we cannot assume any devices exist, including /dev/null, /dev/console, /dev/kmsg, /dev/tty. On Ubuntu, I don't think we'd see an issue since when a system is installed from the live media, some devices already exist. However, we cannot assume that for all systems.

Your team Upstart Reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~vorlon/upstart/lp.980917 into lp:upstart.

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