What emits mounted event?

James Hunt james.hunt at ubuntu.com
Mon May 23 19:14:22 UTC 2011

Hi Grail,

On 23/05/11 05:09, Grail Dane wrote:
> Ahhh ... I thought it might have been ... hence my issue :(
> In that case, is there an alternative if you are using simple mount command?
Although a vanilla Upstart system won't provide you with the mounted
event, you can of course emit such an event yourself:

initctl emit mounted MOUNTPOINT=/var/run ...

> cheers
> grail
> PS.
> I have been recently reading through the Cookbook that was talked about
> here a little while back.
> Unfortunately it is Ubuntu centric and does not give the standard option
> as well as the Ubuntu
> version :(  (maybe others would be interested in starting an upstart
> cookbook)
The cookbook is Ubuntu-centric in a sense, but we have gone to some
pains to point out Ubuntu-specific differences:


The fact that it does tend to cover Ubuntu more fully is because the
authors are working with Upstart on Ubuntu and also the O/S most users
are most likely to come across with Upstart installed is Ubuntu.

That said, it makes a lot of sense to outline where appropriate the
"generic" methodology so we'll try to bear this in mind for future
updates. If you have concrete examples of where this would be helpful,
please raise bugs on the cookbook itself:


> So I have been struggling to find options to create scripts based on
> standard applications (by
> standard i am talking from an (C)LFS point of view and without any other
> SysV reliance)
Again, please raise bugs for specific scenarios.



>> Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 13:40:59 +1000
>> From: apollock at debian.org
>> To: grail69 at hotmail.com
>> CC: upstart-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Subject: Re: What emits mounted event?
>> On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 03:28:57AM +0000, Grail Dane wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi All
>> > I have been looking over some of the Ubuntu upstart scripts to see
> what can help me.
>> > I tried using the mounted-varrun.conf script but for some reason my
> system doesn't seem to pass on thefact that /var/run is mounted. I have
> found though that if after the system has started and I login, I am able
> to enter the following:
>> > start mounted-varrun
>> > This does then successfully follow the script and perform the
> actions as specified
>> > Is anyone able to tell me why this is not captured during the
> startup process?
>> > cheersgrail
>> I can't help with your specific problem, but the mountall program
> (from the
>> mountall package) emits the mounted event (at least in Ubuntu 10.04)
>> regards
>> Andrew

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