upstart socket activation

Lennart Poettering mzhcfgneg at
Mon Mar 28 16:05:47 UTC 2011

On Mon, 21.03.11 11:38, Clint Byrum (clint at wrote:

> >  If the fds are only passed along the socket
> > activation event object, then the fds might come too late. So no, this
> > is not at all a superset of what systemd does, but just a classic inetd
> > reimplementation...
> > 
> Indeed, there needs to be a standard way for daemons to communicate with
> the system to make sure connections are always being acknowledged and
> passed to the daemon. If systemd has already been successful in patching
> daemons, upstart should probably emulate that same API.

Yes, it should.

In fact we tried to get Scott into a discussion about a common API
definition for this and other similar smaller interfaces for usage in
daemons. Alas, Scott's only reply was that our approach was "too
simple", and nothing more specific.

> > But anyway, I think there's no reason to fight about systemd vs. Upstart
> > here. So I'll just shut up again and quietly watch from the distance.
> I fail to see why this should be a fight, maybe thats just in your
> head? 

Well, you should know the longer history of this before making smart
comments like this one.

> I see this as a situation where we can share technology and establish a
> standard that works well with both our solutions. The worst thing we can
> do right now is disagree on how to ask daemon upstreams to patch their
> daemons. If upstart does this one way that is entirely incompatible w/
> systemd, and they both get real traction, then we will just create a
> giant inefficiency and gridlock where we have daemons who have gone "the
> upstart way" and others who have gone "the systemd way", and neither
> trusting that the other is worth doing.

Yupp. We tried this, and got basically told to bugger off, and so we
did. Scott said pretty explicitly that he had no interest in cooperation
on interfaces like this one, and that's that.

If the opinions on cooperation on APIs on Canonical's side changed since
then I am all ears. In fact I offered to come to UDS, if you guys want
me to, and maybe we can discuss that there.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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