[ANNOUNCE] Upstart 1.1 released

Scott James Remnant scott at netsplit.com
Thu Mar 17 00:50:55 UTC 2011

Nothing says "stable release" like a merry round of bug fixes,
including the file descriptor leak when the "script" keyword is used.

1.1  2011-03-16  "It's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me"

	* When /sbin/halt is called (without -p), this now results in the
	  system being halted and not powered down. If you meant it to be
	  powered down, use /sbin/poweroff.  (Bug: #532366)

	* Fixed file descriptor leak of /proc/self/fd/NN to shell scripts
	  executed by Upstart.  (Bug: #619269)

	* Fixed bug where console was closed too early, causing loss of error
	  messages and non-functioning keyboard-request event,
	  (Bug: #707151)

	* Fixed bug where environment variables containing unusual characters
	  were not accepted due to a mis-reading of POSIX.  (Bug: #567068).

	* Fixed non-removal of symlinks on "make uninstall".  (Bug: #604227)

	* Reduced priority of job termination messages from warn to info
	  if the exit status or signal is listed in "normal exit".
	  (Bug: #522197)

The tarball can be found here:


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