Process substitution into loop

Grail Dane grail69 at
Thu Jun 16 06:14:42 UTC 2011

Hi Scott
I realise I am probably nowhere near your level of expertise, but I feel you seem to be missing the point as I clearlydemonstrated that when the script is invoked with /bin/sh the process substitution which is a bash construct (bashism)does NOT work (please see previous posts on errors received when called as such and I mean being run as a single script and not anything to do with upstart).
As for my reply below, I was simply pointing out that I have indeed RTFM (many times) and whilst I will admitI am still learning new things at times I have already covered that I have read the section relating to this item.

Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 20:32:26 -0700
Subject: Re: Process substitution into loop
From: scott at
To: grail69 at
CC: upstart-devel at

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Grail Dane <grail69 at> wrote:

Thanks for your less than helpful reply.  had you have bothered to RTFT (last T for thread)you would have seen that I am already aware of the fact that when invoked as sh thatbash will follow the POSIX standard and that the below was merely for demonstrating the
results so that when compared with the upstart script it shows that it still is using shinstead of bash even though I have compiled it as such.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat that, it's still wrong. bash behaves as bash when called as sh, and supports all of the bashisms you can muster.

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