limit nofile has no effect?

James Hunt james.hunt at
Thu Jun 2 17:04:23 UTC 2011

On 01/06/11 19:13, Scott James Remnant wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Steve Langasek
> <steve.langasek at <mailto:steve.langasek at>> wrote:
>     James, Scott, has any thought been given to including uid/gid or
>     user/group
>     as verbs in upstart jobs?  Seems to me this would be perfectly
>     consistent
>     with the existing umask, nice, oom, chroot, and limit verbs.
> My stated opinion is that a "user" verb in upstart jobs should begin a
> PAM session - which seems to be not what you want ;-)
> Scott
Hi Scott,

Maybe we could add a basic user+group stanza and then consider adding
full PAM support later (via a configure option maybe?)

My concern is linking Upstart to another library, particularly one which
system utilities/package installs might manipulate library rules files
for. For example, could a mis-configured PAM installation break the boot
I wonder?

Also, I wonder if linking to PAM might potentially limit Upstarts use in
embedded devices (again, unless it was an optional feature)?



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