[REVIEW] New man page summarising Upstart events

James Hunt james.hunt at canonical.com
Tue Jan 11 21:24:45 UTC 2011

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Hi All,

I've put together a new upstart man page which strives to list
"well-known" Upstart events for an Ubuntu system (see attached PDF/troff).

To view the troff directly, pass it through tbl first:

 tbl upstart-events.7 | nroff -man | less

My thoughts:

1) Display Manager

- - If we move to a new DM, can we continue to offer these events?
- - We don't appear to provide the specified events for kdm (kubuntu).
  Is this an oversight?
- - /etc/init/gdm.conf shows "emits starting-dm" which appears to be
  erroneous as it doesn't emit this. Fix is a quick tweak to
  /etc/init/gdm.conf I suspect.
- - I think we may be missing a trick wrt the "desktop-session-start"
  event. If we tweak /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default changing the last
  line from...

     /sbin/initctl -q emit desktop-session-start DISPLAY_MANAGER=gdm


     /sbin/initctl -q emit desktop-session-start DISPLAY_MANAGER=gdm \

   we get the ability to create jobs that depend on particular users
   logging in! :-)

2) Missing man pages

I believe the rows in the Event column in the first table that are not
in bold denote a comprehensive(?) list of missing upstart-ish man pages.
If so, I'll hack some together for the Natty release.

Note: This man page may need to be revised for Natty as we are
considering introducing some "abstract jobs" to avoid the need to
hard-code specific application names into .conf files. This was
mentioned on as alluded to by Clint on this list recently [1].

[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-December/032254.html

Kind regards,


- --
James Hunt
Ubuntu Foundations Team, Canonical.
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