Upstart job's process getting killall-ed on reboot

Loïc Minier loic.minier at
Mon Apr 4 14:53:20 UTC 2011

 I kind of like the idea of disabling the respawn functionality at
 shutdown to address this; concerning the short-term workaround:

On Mon, Apr 04, 2011, James Hunt wrote:
>                                 A short-term solution I think would be
> to change /etc/init.d/sendsigs so that it manually stops all jobs with
> no "stop on" condition. This will stop Upstart from respawning them. See:

 Would it make more sense to change /etc/init.d/sendsigs to not stop
 jobs with a respawn instead?

 In any case, we've added a stop condition for our job which means it's
 not affecting Linaro images right now, so if you prefer skipping the
 short term workaround and going for the real fix, that's fine with us.

Loïc Minier

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