Upstart Cookbook

James Hunt james.hunt at
Wed Apr 13 20:45:56 UTC 2011

Thanks Joel.

Fixed in bzr and on and added you as
a contributor.

Kind regards,


On 13/04/11 21:22, Joel Ebel wrote:
> Looks like sections 10.17 and 10.18 are reversed.  I filed:
> Joel
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:48 AM, James Hunt <james.hunt at> wrote:
> On 30/03/11 16:16, Jan Ceuleers wrote:
>>>> On 24/03/11 22:34, James Hunt wrote:
>>>>> Clint and I have been hard at work on an "Upstart Cookbook". Although it
>>>>> is "early days", we wanted to let you all know we're working on this
>>>>> project. Our (still *very* draft!) efforts can be viewed here:
>>>> Thanks for this. Already a great resource.
>>>> Can I suggest expanding section 9.27 to cover device types other than
>>>> network interfaces? Which options other than net-device-{added,up}
>>>> exist, and how are they tied to udev events?
>>>> I'd contribute, but I'm a nitwit :-)
>>>> Thanks, Jan
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks for your comments. I've added a few more examples. Quite a few
> changes overall:
> We now have examples for a USB camera device, a headset (speakers and
> mic events - 3 overall). Also, we have an explanation of the
> upstart-udev-bridge including how to list possible upstart udev event names.
> Kind regards,
> James.
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