Upstart job's process getting killall-ed on reboot

Loïc Minier loic.minier at
Fri Apr 1 18:40:09 UTC 2011


 In Linaro, we were using a /etc/init/openvt.conf job like:

start on started tty1

pre-start script
  if status tty1 | grep -q start/; then
    stop tty1
end script
exec /bin/openvt -e -c 1 -f -- /bin/auto-root-login

 On shutdown I would get:
* Killing all remaining processes...
init: openvt main process ended, respawning

 Steve Langasek tells me that this should not happen because processes
 associated with upstart jobs are supposed to be excluded from the
 killall at shutdown.  I worked around it by adding this to the job:
stop on runlevel [!2345]

 Would you confirm whether this is indeed a bug or whether that's normal

Loïc Minier

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