
Grail Dane grail69 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 28 01:06:21 UTC 2011

Hi Scott
Sorry I must have been unclear.  When installing upstart it creates the following 3 conf files:
These in turn refer to directories under /etc/init.d (for old sysvinit stuff) and also sulogin for recovery and S runlevel.So I understand I can remove references to /etc//init.d seeing as it does not exist on my system (I have developed my ownsystem based on CLFS Pure 64 as a starting point but will all sysv things ignored), but how do I go about replacing the suloginexecutable?
Also, you have mentioned I can remove the backwards compatible binaries that upstart installs, yet these are referred to in other scripts,ie. shutdown is called in the control-alt-delete.conf.  Are you saying i can now just emit the shutdown event instead and all will proceed as per normal?
I also notice the word runlevel is in a number of scripts to, is this not making reference to the binary? ie. start on runlevel 0
I have been trying to work through the cookbook, but as most system are still moving from sysv or the like there is a reasonable amount of referenceto this backwards compatibility, which makes sense.
Ultimately my system has never had any sysv references so I would like to create a completely upstart only system.
Again, if you can point me in the right direction here it would be appreciated :)

Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 09:27:54 -0700
Subject: Re: rcXXXX.conf
From: scott at netsplit.com
To: grail69 at hotmail.com
CC: upstart-devel at lists.ubuntu.com

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 2:03 AM, Grail Dane <grail69 at hotmail.com> wrote:
So I just thought I would ask if anyone is looking into ways of replacing all the current rc scripts that are legacy from sysvinit?
You would have to be more specific about which distribution of Linux you're talking about. The majority of Upstart-using distributions don't contain *any* rc scripts.

Also a note, if you're not using the rc-related scripts, you should also remove the shutdown, runlevel & telinit binaries from your system as they are related to SysV compatibility as well.

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