Stopping a specific instance via a KEY=VALUE?

Scott James Remnant scott at
Wed May 19 11:32:07 BST 2010

On Tue, 2010-05-18 at 14:20 -0700, Robert J Berger wrote:

> start on (start_foo A=*)
This means "start this job whenever start_foo is emitted with any value
of $A"

> stop on (stop_foo A=*)
This means "stop this job whenever stop_foo is emitted with ANY VALUE of

So this is behaving correctly, emitting any stop_foo A=... will stop
both instances.

First up, let's correct the job:

start on start_foo A=*
stop on stop_foo A=$A

ie. we now only stop the job whenever stop_foo is emitted with the SAME
VALUE of $A as when it was started.

Now your example will work.

However you don't need to use events like this; you can just use the
"start" and "stop" commands directly.

  start foo A=...
  stop foo A=...

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