implementing serialized startup sequence

Scott James Remnant scott at
Mon Mar 15 16:26:44 GMT 2010

On Mon, 2010-03-15 at 18:21 +0200, Janne Karhunen wrote:

> >> > You could have a job that started things in order:
> >> >
> >> >        start on startup
> >> >        script
> >> >            start job1
> >> >            start job2
> >> >            start job3
> >> >        end script
> >>
> >> That's an option, but it implies a runner task.
> >>
> > What kind of thing were you thinking instead?
> It would be cleaner if init just ran these in defined order
> without actual (manual, scripted) runner. 'Manual' startup
> makes anything possible, of course. I'm not saying it
> makes that big of a difference in real life, I just don't
> happen to like solutions that utilize user maintenance
> commands for normal startup flow.
How would this differ from "start on stopped foo" in each of the jobs?

I'm not really sure I'm understanding what you're after, maybe you could
give me an example what you think the conf files should look like?

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen?  Are you going round the twist?
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