failing tests

Marc Weber marco-oweber at
Thu Jun 10 17:01:07 BST 2010


For some time pre-stop jobs are no longer run.
I enabled the testsuite (make tests) and got these failures for both:
version 0.6.6 and 0.6.5:

FAIL: test_job_class
FAIL: test_job_process
FAIL: test_job
FAIL: test_event
FAIL: test_conf

Full log:

Using the following test script job I notice that the pre-stop script is
not run. I couldn't find anyting in the man pages or the Changelog
indicating that it's gone. Is it only NixOS which has this issue?

  # Upstart job `test-job'.  This is a generated file.  Do not edit.

  description "(no description given)"

  stop on starting shutdown

  pre-start script
    exec >> /var/log/upstart/test-jobpre-start 2>&1
    echo "pre-start";

  end script


  pre-stop script
    exec >> /var/log/upstart/test-jobpre-stop 2>&1
    echo preStop
  end script

  post-stop script
    exec >> /var/log/upstart/test-jobpost-stop 2>&1
    echo postStop
  end script

tail -f ing /var/log/messages when running restart test-job yields:

Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: Connection from private client
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_class_register: Registered job /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/avahi_2ddaemon
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_class_register: Registered job /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/postgresql
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_class_register: Registered job /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/test_2djob
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_register: Registered instance /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/test_2djob/_
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_class_register: Registered job /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/ntpd
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_register: Registered instance /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/ntpd/_
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job goal changed from start to stop
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from running to stopping
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: event_new: Pending stopping event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job goal changed from stop to start
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: Handling stopping event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: event_finished: Finished stopping event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from stopping to killed
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from killed to post-stop
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job post-stop process (20026)
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_process_handler: Ignored event 1 (0) for process 20026
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job post-stop process (20026) exited normally
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from post-stop to starting
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: event_new: Pending starting event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: Handling starting event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: event_finished: Finished starting event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from starting to ch=ffpre-start
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job pre-start process (20027)
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: job_process_handler: Ignored event 1 (0) for process 20027
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job pre-start process (20027) exited normally
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from pre-start to spawned
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from spawned to post-start
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: test-job state changed from post-start to running
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: event_new: Pending started event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: Handling started event
Jun 10 17:44:58 nixos init: event_finished: Finished started event

Note: all .conf files are symlinks to /nix/store/..

using files instead of symlinks and running initctl reload-configuration
didn't fix it.

My questions:
a) are those test failures serious?
b) do think they could be related to the pre-stop problem?
c) Should I try to fix pre-stop or should I rewrite the jobs so that
   they don't use it?

Does it make sense to try older versions than 0.6.5 ?

Maybe using bash traps and dummy loops instead?

  trap .. "postfix stop"
  while :; do sleep 9999; done

Marc Weber

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