1024 Connection Limit

Daniel L. Miller dmiller at amfes.com
Sat Aug 14 00:09:35 BST 2010

On 8/12/2010 4:25 PM, Alex Davies wrote:
> Hi,
> I apologise if this is not the correct mailing list to ask this question.
> As a inexperienced user of upstart, I have several times hit what 
> appears to be a limit of 1024 connections for jobs started by upstart. 
> For example, the following super-simple upstart job:
> start on runlevel [3456]
> stop on runlevel [!3456]
> script
>   /opt/mongod/mongod --config=/etc/mongo/mongod.conf
> end script
> Will start a MongoDB process which will believe that the output of 
> ulimit -n is 1024. Starting it on the command line will produce the 
> correct value (in my case, an order of magnitude more).

I'm not aware of upstart imposing any limits - but I suppose a simple 
fix would be to add ulimit to your script stanza:

     ulimit -n whatever
     /opt/mongod/mongod ...
end script


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