Using upstart on LFS

Grail Dane grail69 at
Mon Aug 9 00:11:21 BST 2010

Hey Guys
Thanks for the feedback. I am just up to this now with my CLFS system. I have Ubuntu so have been using that as a guidebut still have a question regarding the replacement (or need for) the 3 rc*.conf scripts.
If I am never to use sysvinit or any of its files, do I a) still need them or b) have to replace them?
My main question here is about how each of these in the description say how they are for "System V ..."
Also, for example, the rcS.conf says:
# This task handles the old System V-style single-user mode.
So my question here would be, what handles the new single-user mode? It appears there are no other *.conffiles that are launched on runlevel S (or does that mean it is no longer required if not using System V?)
Sorry if I have missed the point within your posts :( I am just keen to start with a clean slate (ie no System V anywhere).
Look forward to hearing from someone :)

> Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 01:58:06 +0200
> From: stef at
> To: upstart-devel at
> Subject: Re: Using upstart on LFS
>   On 07/19/2010 03:41 PM, Jeffrey Peckham wrote:
> > I tried doing something similar with an LFS build a few months ago. My 
> > tactic was to just go through all the init scripts provided by LFS and 
> > rewriting them as upstart jobs. Most of them can translate pretty 
> > cleanly but I started running into trouble figuring out a clean and 
> > flexible suite of networking jobs. I tried breaking out each layer of 
> > the OSI model, that applied, as a different set of jobs. Probably too 
> > esoteric and complex of a solution.
> >
> > This might just be a lack of good hard researching / understanding on 
> > my part but I feel like early network setup (pre-NetworkManager) is 
> > something ever distro does differently and there hasn't really been a 
> > good clean solution to define, manage and monitor it.
> >
> > Let me know what you come up with in that area.
> >
> > ~Jeff
> Well, the idea with upstart is to define requirements per conf file, and 
> let upstart do the rest.
> You do not have to find out yourself, on determine the requirements per 
> service.
> Stef
> (LFS/CLFS since years)
> -- 
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