Local job environment should override inherited job environment

Scott James Remnant scott at netsplit.com
Thu Apr 22 02:59:22 BST 2010

On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 18:35 -0700, Sandeep Puddupakkam (spuddupa) wrote:

> When I start foo, I see that the NAME being exported from foo is
> taking precedence over the local environment variable defined in foo1.
> Is this a bug?
This is deliberate.

The environment defined in the job are "defaults" and may be overridden
in many ways.

(Otherwise why have them as "VARIABLES" at all?)
> Here is the console output
> ---------
> [nova_k10:/etc/init/jobs.d]$ start foo
> [nova_k10:/etc/init/jobs.d]$ INSIDE [foo1]. NAME:[foo]
> INSIDE [foo]. NAME:[foo]
Note you can also override with start foo NAME=...

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