Problem with upstart script - recognition of PID to track
Steffen Barszus
steffenbpunkt at
Wed Apr 7 11:31:40 BST 2010
I'm not sure what is happening - my posts to the Mailinglist getting
waiting for moderator approval, but i'm using the mail address i used to
register myself to the mailinglist ...
Janne Karhunen wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Steffen Barszus
> <steffenbpunkt at> wrote:
>> Is there any way i can fill this variables in pre-start and hand over
>> to the start section ? Is there any other way to tell upstart what the
>> correct pid is ? The pid option doesn't seem to exist (anymore? I'm
>> using karmic)
> How many times does it fork? Try 'expect daemon' or
> 'expect fork'.
Its not really forking - i guess there happens to much of script
beforehand so the script itself is recognized as action.
Anyway problem is solved allready - i stuffed it into an array and could
get the quoting right by this. Those i could use exec for the daemon,
those the PID of script is equal to the daemon. Handing over Variables
from pre-start and only do
exec vdr $VAR1 $VAR2 $VAR3
where these are coming from pre-start script ... end script might be
preferable for this cases.
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