Session scripts.

Stef Bon stef at
Thu Sep 10 14:39:30 BST 2009


I've read about the upstart project some time ago, and read the webpage
and installed it on my LinuxFromScratch

I think it's a very good idea to develop a system which executes
programs and runds scripts, with dependencies.

I work a lot with session scripts (scripts which are started when a
session begins, and scripts which are run when they end)
, and scripts which should run periodically only during a session for a
user, and
fcron does not have this feature.

Now I use a construction using the ConsoleKit daemon, which is able to
run scripts (by root) when a sessions is added and when it
is removed. An example is the mounting of a fuse module (fuse-workspace)
I've developed, and network access with help of the automounter,
which is also exclusiv for this user/session.


Are you also planning to add this feature to upstart?? Or is it already
possible to do this?? I cannot find an event name for "session added"
and "session removed"...

Futher, I've installed the newest upstart package (0.6.3) and found out
that the /etc/event.d directory is not used anymore, I had to create
the tty.conf files myself....It would be much better when there is
documentation about this.


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