mingetty is running, but not taking the console.

Casey Dahlin cdahlin at redhat.com
Fri May 22 19:51:06 BST 2009

Milton Calnek wrote:
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Scott James Remnant
> <scott at netsplit.com <mailto:scott at netsplit.com>> wrote:
>     On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 12:47 -0600, Milton Calnek wrote:
>     > I'm trying to port upstart 0.5.1 to CentOS.
>     > I am now at a point where my machine boots,  most jobs are starting
>     > properly.
>     >
>     > So I can ssh into the box, but the tty's don't take the virtual
>     > consoles... I don't see /etc/issue on the screen.
>     >
>     This is probably not an Upstart issue, as Upstart has no control over
>     ttys - check that your mingetty scripts and configuration are written
>     properly.
> I'm reasonably sure that the scripts are the default 0.3.9 examples.
> I dug a little deeper and found that mingetty was trying to
> ioctl(TIOCSCTTY) where the process needs to be  a leader of some sort.
> This was failing with eperm (not the session? leader).
> Thanks.

We had this with the Fedora scripts too. I don't remember what we did to fix it though, as there's nothing interesting in our mingetty job definitions.


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