Updating Stanza's wiki page

Garrett Cooper yanegomi at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 01:41:33 GMT 2009

Hello Scott (and other Upstart devs),
    I was wondering if there was some way where outside groups (like
our's at Cisco) could help out with updating the documentation for
upstart. One issue can be seen with the current Stanza's documentation
(http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Stanzas); it's currently extremely
out-of-date and somewhat unorganized.
    I'd be more than happy to spend 1~3 hours to update the wiki in
order to properly reflect the feature set in upstart and make things
easier to read. I'll also be sure to include version specific notes
for some stanzas as well (e.g. deprecated in version {blah}), because
many of the Stanza's were removed / modified going forward from 0.3.9
-> 0.5.0.
Thanks for all of the work :),

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