problem using upstart with an busybox based system
Jan Claeys
lists at
Wed Dec 23 10:16:58 GMT 2009
Op maandag 21-12-2009 om 12:34 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Stephan
> what can be my problem? what is wrong? i tested this with upstart
> 0.6.3 and 0.5.0. why ctrl-alt-del.conf and other upstart scripts uses
> "/bin/sh -e" even they have no the script stanza?
>From the init(5) manpage:
exec COMMAND [ ARG ]...
This stanza defines the process to be run as the name of an exe‐
cutable on the filesystem, and zero or more arguments to be
passed to it. Any special characters, e.g. quotes or `$' speci‐
fied will result in the entire command being passed to a shell
for expansion.
exec /usr/sbin/acpid -c $EVENTSDIR -s $SOCKET
Your "exec /sbin/acpid /dev/input/event*" certainly needs expansion, not
sure about the other example you gave (maybe because it needs to search
the $PATH to find getty or something?).
Jan Claeys
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