upstart configuration

Scott James Remnant scott at
Fri Nov 7 16:19:44 GMT 2008

On Fri, 2008-11-07 at 10:54 -0500, Bill Nottingham wrote:

> Scott James Remnant (scott at said: 
> > > just add "chkconfig" functionality to upstart, no matter what underlying mechanism.
> > > 
> > What's chkconfig?
> Tool in Fedora/RH-derived distributions that makes the symlinks from
> /etc/rc[0-6].d to the actual scripts in /etc/init.d.
The raw upstart equivalent would sound like a tool that symlinked from
somewhere to actual jobs in /etc/init.

ie. directly equivalent to just removing the job in the first place,
except that it doesn't involve a package manager call to get it back?

I think we can do something much cleverer.  I like the idea of having a
"manual" functionality that's separate to the job definitions:

  # initctl status apache2
  apache2 running

  # initctl manual --stop apache2
  apache2 now in manual mode,
  apache2 stopped

The job definition is still known to Upstart, it's just marked manual

  # initctl status apache2
  apache2 [manual] stop

It's ok to start that manually, you're the sysadmin, you know best:

  # initctl start apache2
  apache2 [manual] started

The implementation would probably be state in /var/lib/init, completely
external to the job definitions.

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