Migration possibilty?

metzench at ccux-linux.de metzench at ccux-linux.de
Fri Nov 7 11:45:04 GMT 2008


after havin switched to upstart 0.3.9 for some weeks now, it' s time to
migrate from sysvinit scripts to native upstart script.

There' s one question for this i have. Is there the possibility to migrate
in steps? Let' s say i want to migrate the rcsysinit things for now to get
some experiences with it. Can i remove /etc/init/jobs.d/rcS and at native
scripts for all old rcsysinit scripts like mountkernfs and so on without

For me this would be logicaly no problem, because upstart should take the
new native scripts and after that run the appropriate sysvinit compat
runlevel scripts. Or isn' t this possible with sysvinit compat mode
enabled while building upstart?

Thanks for your help in advance.

                -\- Christian Metzen -/-

Developer and Project Lead for CCux Linux.
check out http://ccux-linux.de/ for more info.
EMAIL : metzench at ccux-linux.de

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