Clarification on upstart-0.5 and dbus usage

Riku Voipio riku.voipio at
Thu Jun 19 09:34:41 BST 2008

Sarvi>> If it were, every embedded linux distro would already be would
be using it and we wouldn't be having this conversation. That's
obviously not the case now.

Most embedded linux distros are just crap. Do not model
yourself after them. Usually these have a hardcoded
script as /sbin/init, so they don't need anything like upstart,
and rarely use any kind IPC.

If your embedded system is complex enough that you need
upstart for starting/monitoring/respawning services, chances
are you need IPC as well. And if you don't use something like
dbus, you'll just be inventing your own IPC layer.

Garrett Cooper wrote:

> The AFL License D-Bus is dually licensed under isn't a part of the
> accepted licenses yet, even though the language is new BSD
> License-like; we're waiting a reply from Cisco Legal on whether or not
> we can proceed with including D-Bus as the necessary shim between
> upstart and our proprietary components.

Actually one reason why some people are using dbus it to
create a bright line between proprietary and opensource
(specifically, GPL) components, while allowing them to communicate.
Along with the mentioned maemo, at least skype uses dbus to
expose apis to proprietary components via dbus.

IANAL etc.

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