Clarification on upstart-0.5 and dbus usage

Marcel Holtmann marcel at
Thu Jun 19 02:18:16 BST 2008

Hi Sarvi,

> Its high time we stepped up a layer from plain Unix domain sockets and
> talked a higher level API. And I agree D-Bus is very likely the
> equivalent 'Unix Domain Sockets' for this purpose. But unfortunatley its
> not there yet. All this means is that D-Bus needs some more time to
> mature as a spec and as an implementation to reach that status.
> Until then people will want other ways to talk to Upstart, than D-Bus,
> for various reasons. Code Size, integratiion with existing communication
> infrastructure, etc.  
> If my team were to comeup with a modular compile-time plugable interface
> between Upstart and D-Bus, would something like Glib Object system be a
> good way to do that. If I understand right, D-Bus works Glib Objects and
> Glib Object system can be made to work with other messaging mechanisms
> as well.

D-Bus is not depending on GLib or GObject. The D-Bus low-level C library
has no extra dependencies. The D-Bus daemon also needs an XML library,
but that is only for parsing the security files and that could be made
optional. So D-Bus as itself doesn't have any dependencies and is
already pretty small. The bloats that people associate with D-Bus are
mainly rumors :)



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