IRC meeting

Mildred ml.mildred593 at
Thu Nov 29 20:32:38 GMT 2007


Le Mon 26/11/2007 à 23:43 Scott James Remnant à écrit:
> Upstart, in the extraordinarily unlikely circumstance that it might
> crash (0.3.8 hasn't had a single report of one in the 1 year+ it's
> been out), simply forks and dumps core in the child -- thus
> generating a useful core file.  Ubuntu's apport hook will catch this
> and ask the user if they'd like to file a bug report.

Well, once I found a bug but never reported it since it was more my
fault than upstart's. In fact I made upstart enter an infinite loop,
thus eating 100% of my CPU. No other choice to restart.

It was in fact a service that contained:

	start on starting
	start on started
	start on stopping
	start on stopped

The purpose of this service was to print on the console little
information about what was going on. But This service starting would
make itself start again ... indefinitely.

Perhaps it could be useful to detect such cases.


Mildred Ki'lya
E-Mail:	mildred593(at)

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XMPP:	<mildred at> (GoogleTalk, Jabber)

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