IRC meeting

Shawn Rutledge shawn.t.rutledge at
Wed Nov 28 22:21:23 GMT 2007

On Nov 28, 2007 2:43 PM, Daniel L. Miller <dmiller at> wrote:
> A thought - if the scheduled execution implementation (cron/atd
> replacement) is basically an "emit timecode" event, where "timecode" is
> one of Month/Day/DayOfWeek/Hour/Minute/etc., then all "background"
> processes would be started - and stored - in the same location.  While
> it might be beneficial to group events in folders by category, e.g.
> "System Processes", "Hourly Events", etc. these could also be done via
> symlinks - even symlinks back to existing cron jobs (though doing so
> would then require a cron-to-upstart preprocessor).
> The result leads to a potential paradigm change for overall program
> control.  Instead of performing a "/etc/init.d/foo start", or even a
> "/usr/bin/bar start" - by having the package install programs modified
> to add the appropriate symlinks ALL our programs would be started via
> "emit myprogram start".  So all daemonization - or other background
> processes - are controlled via a single consistent interface.

That's more or less what I was thinking, but explained better.  :-)
But I'm not sure what you mean "by having the package install programs
modified to add the appropriate symlinks".  There needs to be a job
file (or some other kind of configuration) not just a symlink, right?

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