SIGPWR interrupt - upstart init with powstatd UPS daemon
Scott James Remnant
scott at
Fri Feb 16 10:25:12 GMT 2007
On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 18:04 -0800, Will Dickson wrote:
> Hi, I've been trying to get powstatd to work with the upstart init
> program on ubuntu edgy and have been having some difficulties. I
> verified that powstatd is performing correctly - i.e., when the power
> to the UPS is cut powstatd changes the entry in /etc/powerstatus from OK
> to FAIL and sends a SIGPWR interrupt to init. Init is then suppose to
> check the entry in /etc/powerstatus etc. However, I couldn't seem to get
> the upstart init to respond to the SIGPWR interrupt.
Right, I never included the SIGPWR code in init because I didn't know
whether it was still used or not.
> I grepped around in the upstart-0.3.5 sources and couldn't find any
> handlers for SIGPWR. Whereas the sysvinit does have a handler for SIGPWR
> Am I missing something? Is there a way to make the upstart init work
> with the UPS daemons?
The attached patch and job file should do the trick; after installing,
you should be able to write jobs with:
start on power-status fail
start on power-status low
start on power-status ok
in them.
Please let me know whether this works, so I can commit it.
In the longer term, powstatd should emit its own upstart events instead
of sending a signal -- that provides for a lot more flexibility; e.g.
you could emit a "power-level" event every time the battery charge
decreased by 5%, etc.
Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen? Are you going round the twist?
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description "Handle changes to the /etc/powerstatus file"
author "Scott James Remnant"
start on power-status-changed
PWRSTATUS=$(cat /etc/powerstatus)
if [ $PWRSTATUS = "OK" ]; then
initctl emit power-status ok
elif [ $PWRSTATUS = "FAIL" ]; then
initctl emit power-status fail
elif [ $PWRSTATUS = "LOW" ]; then
initctl emit power-status low
end script
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