Have jobs wait until another job has been run

Mildred ml.mildred593 at online.fr
Mon Apr 23 23:42:51 BST 2007


Le Mon 23/04/2007 à 19:21 Alex Smith à écrit:
> start on stopped mount ok
> start on bluetooth-device-added
> won't work since it'll be triggered on either of these, not wait
> until both have occurred. Is there some magic that I can use to do
> this or will I just have to drop in a loop that waits until the
> filesystem is mounted rw?

I think we have to wait until the complex event config work is
finnished. Actually I had to create a loop that wait for the job and
sleep few miliseconds before looping.
If you do that, do it carefully. You can easily have a deadlock (if
others jobs start on starting of the event where you put the loop)

Mildred       <xmpp:mildred at jabber.fr> <http://mildred632.free.fr/>
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