How to get something similar to runlevels in Upstart?

Alex Smith alex at
Tue Oct 31 20:28:23 GMT 2006

Hi all,

I'm doing a bit of extra evaluation of init systems for Frugalware Linux 
- previously I had chosen Runit as the init system which will be in 
Frugalware 0.6, but I have found some things in Runit that I really 
dislike: the fact that daemons have to be run in the foreground, the 
fact that a service will be restarted no matter what if it dies (no 
system of "if it's restart n times in the last x minutes, give up"), 
etc, etc.

Anyway, one of my criteria in the evaluation is the ability to define 
runlevels. Several of our users use the runlevel system of sysvinit, and 
I don't want to lose the functionality. Basically, how would I get 
something similar to runlevels in Upstart. Any ideas?

Alex Smith
Frugalware Linux developer -

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