Gentoo + Upstart

Sean Russell upstart at
Wed Oct 18 13:04:13 BST 2006

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 02:58, you wrote:
> > 0) When a service is disabled, where should the event script be
> > moved to? Removing it entirely is not a good idea... it can't be
> > easily re-enabled.
> What about installing the job description files to /usr/lib/upstart/
> (or /lib/upstart or any other suitable directory).
> "Activating a service" means creating a symlink to /etc/event.d.

This is fine with me; I just want a well-defined, standardized place 
where the Upstart project says that disabled events should live.  
Whether they're symlinked, or copied, or moved back and forth is (IMHO) 
a minor detail.

Of course, some distributions will insist on moving and/or renaming 
these directories, but if there isn't an "officially defined" Upstart 
location, then *all* distributions will put them in a different place, 
which might be undesirable.

--- SER

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