[Bug 487540] Re: please package glusterfs v2.0.8

Artur Rona ari-tczew at tlen.pl
Sun Feb 7 23:45:19 UTC 2010

glusterfs (2.0.9-3) unstable; urgency=high

  * Set /var/log/glusterfs/glusterfsd.vol.log as logfile in the init script.
    Closes: #561774
  * Change debian/watch, so that it monitors the 3.0 releases now.
  * Bumping urgency to high, because of the fixed RC bugs in the 2.0.9-1 and
    2.0.9-2 release.
  * Add manpage for glusterfs-volgen.

glusterfs (2.0.9-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Create the logdir in postinst and remove it on purge.
    Closes: #544433

glusterfs (2.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=high

  [ Matthias Albert ]
  * New upstream release.
    Closes: #544434
  * Added CreateBooster.py, CreateVolfile.py, glusterfs.vol and glusterfs
    directory to the glusterfs-client package.
  * Added python dependency for glusterfs-client.
  * Added patch for berkely DB 4.8.
    Closes: #549886, #549854
  * Fixed introduced dependency problems
    Closes: #537832
  * debian/glusterfs-server.install:
    - Removed glusterfsd entry.
  * debian/glusterfs-server.links:
    - Added links file.
  * debian/rules:
    - Added mv entry so that glusterfs is the binary package.
  * debian/glusterfs-client.install:
    - Added glusterfs-volgen.
  * debian/glusterfs-server.init:
    - Replaced --exec with --name in stop and status section.
      Closes: #538877
  * debian/control:
    - Build depends on fuse-utils (>= 2.7.4).
    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3.
  * Patched glusterfs-volgen script to accept --sysconfdir from configure run.
  * debian/glusterfs-server.init: provides glusterfs-server.

  [ Patrick Matthäi ]
  * Remove useless whitespaces at EOL.
  * Add myself as maintainer with the acknowledge of LI Daobing.
  * Remove all uploaders, except of Matthias Albert.
  * Remove VCS fields, the packaging is not located on git.debian.org, anymore.
  * Convert package to the 3.0 (quilt) format.
  * Add missing $remote_fs dependencies for the glusterfs-server.init.
  * Fix lintian warning init.d-script-has-bad-lsb-line.
  * Fix lintian warning copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright.
  * Fix lintian warning copyright-refers-to-symlink-license.
  * Fix lintian warning duplicate-short-description.
  * Add build dependency on python-central.
  * Build against libdb4.8.
  * Add some missing ${shlibs:Depends}.
  * Remove hardcoded dependency on libc-dev at the libglusterfs-dev package.
  * Wrap dependency lines in debian/control.
 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync < archive at ubuntu.com>   Fri,  22 Jan 2010 11:25:05 +0000

** Bug watch added: Debian Bug tracker #544434

** Changed in: glusterfs (Debian)
   Importance: Undecided => Unknown

** Changed in: glusterfs (Debian)
       Status: New => Unknown

** Changed in: glusterfs (Debian)
 Remote watch: None => Debian Bug tracker #544434

** Tags added: upgrade

** Changed in: glusterfs (Ubuntu)
       Status: New => Fix Released

please package glusterfs v2.0.8
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