[Bug 425089] Re: please sync openerp-client (universe) from Debian unstable (main)

Michael Bienia michael at bienia.de
Sun Sep 6 11:44:45 UTC 2009

openerp-client builds in karmic and also installs (tested inside a
karmic pbuilder).

Diffstat for debdiff (.po and .mo files filtered out from the output):
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/Makefile                                                             |    2 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/PKG-INFO                                                             |    2 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/common/common.py                                                 |   65 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/environment_info.py                                              |   94 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/modules/action/main.py                                           |    8 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/modules/gui/main.py                                              |   28 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/modules/gui/window/form.py                                       |    4 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/modules/gui/window/win_export.py                                 |   28 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/modules/gui/window/win_import.py                                 |   39 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/modules/gui/window/win_search.py                                 |   18 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/openerp.glade                                                    |   44 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/po/openerp-client.pot                                            | 1432 +-
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/printer/printer.py                                               |   24 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/release.py                                                       |    3 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/rpc.py                                                           |    8 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/tinygraph/__init__.py                                            |    7 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/model/field.py                                            |   14 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/screen/screen.py                                          |    2 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/action.py                                   |    3 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/calendar.py                                 |   34 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/image.py                                    |    5 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/interface.py                                |    2 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/many2many.py                                |   20 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/many2one.py                                 |   22 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/one2many_list.py                            |    2 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/parser.py                                   |   63 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/reference.py                                |    2 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/bin/widget/view/form_gtk/textbox_tag.py                              |   29 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/debian/changelog                                                     |   36 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/debian/control                                                       |   23 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/debian/desktop/openerp-client.desktop                                |    2 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/debian/openerp-client.install                                        |    4 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/debian/openerp-client.menu                                           |    4 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/debian/patches/01-autobuild.patch                                    |   10 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/debian/rules                                                         |   46 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/doc/Changelog                                                        |  399 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/doc/Changelog-4.x                                                    |  269 
 openerp-client-5.0.3-0/setup.py                                                             |   38 
 106 files changed, 82915 insertions(+), 57875 deletions(-)

Upstream changelog

2009-08-21: 5.0.3


 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/404211
   * OpenERP Handling any files to be opened through browser
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/405332
   * prevent open search window when exact matching text is available
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/393428
   * KeyError When printing report whose names are translated
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/411438
   * KeyError When printing report whose names are translated


 * py2exe: optimize 1
 * do not use arange

2009-08-11: 5.0.2


 * Not linked to a bug report:
   * Import : fields auto-detect corrected
   * setup.py: py2exe now adds 'zoneinfo' directory in library.zip
   * fixed some errors in french translations
   * translation pop up will be opened only for non-null data
   * automatically added selection items: encode keys to avoid KeyError in common.selection
   * common.selection: fixed a KeyError when selection item name contains accented characters
   * Add the long built-in type for the res_id
   * closed file pointer

 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/403652
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/376449
   * Dashboard views will accept context
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/389795
   * Many2one : corrected set() method to display blank value
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/358063
   * Print screen respecting context
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/403991
   * Setting default value was not saving the record
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/389368
   * removed inconsistency in notification message.
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/408550
   * default_xxx in context was passed to relational fields,corrected.
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/385117
   * fields.related with type=selection
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/400135
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/396457
   * fixed a KeyError when selection item name contains accented characters
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/394876
   * Import : context passed to server for language translation
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/393428
   * fixed a KeyError when selection item name contains accented characters
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/380089
   * Image widget : Attrs/onchanges won't affect image contents
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/396997
   * Reference Field : field updated on moving records
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/382182
   * Text_tag widget : corrected the problem of not accepting non-enlgish characters
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/386373
   * GTK client will not freeze on sql_constraint fail with gtk.dialog
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/405332
   * M2O improved for search button on non-null text issue
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/382183
   * Text_tag widget corrected
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/392584
   * Solved the problem of GTK freezing after constraint failure
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/390987
   * Reset pagging on search
 * https://launchpad.net/bugs/391101
   * There was a problem with the refresh and the many2many fields in the client


 * update translations
 * regenerate translation files
 * show the login_message if available
 * Added tiff file type opener in printer.py
 * export window : use context for import compatable option in pass argument instend of added new argemenent
 * added Database ID/ ID fields in import/export and also add option for import compatable in export window
 * Set Error Message box readonly
 * Added new function called get_environment which will return the current environment of the System on which user is using OpenERP (called when report crashes)
 * Error Message improved

** Summary changed:

- please sync openerp-client (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
+ [FFe] Sync openerp-client 5.0.3-0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)

** Changed in: openerp-client (Ubuntu)
       Status: Confirmed => New

[FFe] Sync openerp-client 5.0.3-0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
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