[Bug 404614] Re: Please sync bwidget 1.9.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main).

Bhavani Shankar right2bhavi at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 17:44:56 UTC 2009

Upstream changelog

2009-07-24 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

        **** BWidget 1.9.0 tagged ****

        * pkgIndex.tcl, README.txt: updated to BWidget 1.9

2009-07-23 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* tree.tcl (Tree::_set_help), Tree.html DynamicHelp -helpcmd added to
	tree node help
	* tree.tcl (Tree::_draw_subnodes) a vertical line to a virtual root node
	above the widget is only drawn when there are multiple child nodes.
	This reverts the modification dated 2004-04-21 for this case.
	[Patch 2825354] by Koen Danckaert

2009-07-17 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* scrollframe.tcl (ScrollableFrame::create et al) ScrollableFrame.html
	Background color of canvas takes the color of the scrolled frame.
	If themed, canvas takes the themed color of the scrolled themed frame.
	If themed, parameters -background and -bg are not available(doc + code).
	[Patch 2822970] by Koen Danckaert

2009-07-15 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* dynhelp.tcl (DynamicHelp) Typo from yesterday corrected
	[Patch 2820851] by Koen Danckaert

2009-07-14 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* dynhelp.tcl (DynamicHelp::_leave_info et al) issues:
	- menu help sometimes not cleared when clicking off-window (unix)
	- "-helpcmd" available also when dynamichelp is included in another
	- given "-helpcmd" always called at global scope.
	- Protect against multiple calls of <Leave> event.
	[Patch 2820851] by Koen Danckaert

2009-07-07 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* combobox.tcl (ComboBox::_select) Do not export selection if
	-exportselection 0 [Patch 981545] by Jeffrey Hobbs

2009-07-02 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* widget.tcl (Widget::configure) Bug: ProgressDlg option -geometry
	not setable. The former patch was improved.
	Koen Danckaert and myself argued, that we modify symptoms without
	basic understandings. Anyway, better now than before.

2009-07-01 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* mainframe.tcl, MainFrame.html (MainFrame::getmenustate)
	Added method getmenustate to return menu tag state
	[Bug 948063] reported by Rolf Ade

	* combobox.tcl (ComboBox::configure) Bug fixed: Widget did not take
	focus, when -editable false and "configure -state normal" called.
	[Bug 756334] reported by Rolf Ade
	* widget.tcl (Widget::configure) Bug: ProgressDlg option -bg not
	setable. The special handling of subwidgets with special class or
	path ":cmd" was improved. [Bug 611477]
	* notebook.tcl (NoteBook::_itemconfigure) Not honored option:
	itemconfigure ... -helptext [Patch 2814050] by Koen Danckaert
2009-06-30 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* buttonbox.tcl (ButtonBox::_redraw) Bug corrected:
	-uniform gridding option is used if tcl version >= 8.4 (not 8.3).
	[Patch 2807147] by Koen Danckaert

	* tree.tcl (Tree::_drop_cmd) If there is no node, drop didn't work.
	[Bug 1042613] reported by Rolf Ade
	* Tree.html Bind commands: removed promise that %W would work in future.
	The underlying widgets should only be manipulated using the node id.
	[Bug 1224203] by Jasper Taylor, remarks by J. Tang 

	* Tree.html Bind commands: with -selectfill, the given command is
	overwritten for the background box. [Bug 1003962] by Torsten Berg
	* dropsite.tcl (DropSite::register) Bug fixed: fails on multiple drop
	targets [Bug 1213123] by T.Neil

	* combobox.tcl (ComboBox::_create_popup) Bug fixed: Return key in drop
	down list when -bwlistbox true [Bug 1205536] patch by Steve Landers
	* combobox.tcl (ComboBox::_create_popup, ComboBox::_unmapliste)
	Mac aqua and x11 fixes, multi screen issue still open.
	[Bug 1451784] report by Jasper Taylor, fix by Kevin Walzer

	* listbox.tcl (ListBox::_multiple_select) Selected item not deselected
	on control-click [Bug 1029144] reported by Konrad Rosenbaum

2009-06-29 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* ScrolledWindow.html ScrolledWindow documentation changed:
	Documented options: -ipad, -sides, -size, -managed
	[Patch 2807160] Text by Koen Danckaert
	Removed (read only) remark of option -scrollbar.
	* scrollframe.tcl (ScrollableFrame::create) changed bindings
	[Patch 2807227] by Koen Danckaert (comment)
	* scrollw.tcl (ScrolledWindow::_set_hscroll, ScrolledWindow::_set_vscroll)
	Bug corrected: enless loop when both scrollbars where automatically
	mapped and the window size was changed by this action (on linux).
	Scrollbar unmapping and mapping secured by a locked update [Bug 2783019]

	* widget.tcl (Widget::tkinclude) : option data base entry name keeps the
	original name and not the renamed name.
	The only resulting modification is to rename the option key for
	"MessageDlg -text" from "*MessageDlg.frame.msg.message" to
	"*MessageDlg.frame.msg.text". [Bug 1266792]
	* widget.tcl (Widget::init) : fixed a memory leak on wrong option value.
	[Bug 1230737] 
2009-06-26 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* listbox.tcl (ListBox::create et al) new feature: listbox option
	-listbox now read/write [Bug 1501874] reported by Stephen Huntley
	* dynhelp.tcl (DynamicHelp::_show_help) fixed issue (as far as possible):
	Dynamic help baloon was on the main screen, if it touched the border on
	a windows multi screen configuration.
	The fix assumes, that all screens have same dimensions and no gaps in-
	between. This is necessary, because multi-screen configuration paramters
	may not be interrogated by tk (despite of coordinates out of the screen)
	[Bug 1499135] reported by Gregor

	* notebook.tcl (NoteBook::delete) Deleted also state variables
	[Bug 1445219] reported by Eric Kemp-Benedict

2009-06-25 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* combobox.tcl (ComboBox::getvalue et al) fixed bug: getvalue returned
	first apearence of current data instead of clicked index, which may not
	be the same if values is not unique. Additional variable _index(path)
	added to hold click index [Bug 1610965] reported by Martin Lemburg

2009-06-24 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* scrollframe.tcl (ScrollableFrame::create, ScrollableFrame::_resize,
	ScrollableFrame::_frameConfigure) fixed two issues:
	- Scrollbar activated even if not necessary
	  Fix: update scrolling reagion on configure event of the frame
	- Disfunction if the frame got to small to be on the current view
	  Fix: update scrolling reagion on map or unmap events
	[Patch 2807227] by Koen Danckaert
	* buttonbox.tcl (ButtonBox::_redraw) Bug: homogeneous button width
	not honored if button size changes after creation.
	-uniform gridding option is used if tcl version >= 8.3.
	[Patch 2807147] by Koen Danckaert
2009-06-16 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* combobox.tcl (ComboBox::_create_popup) In dropdown list,
	a vertical scrollbar was always shown if horizantal is used.
	ScrolledWindow is now called with "-managed 1".
	[Patch 2807160] by Koen Danckaert

2009-06-11 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* combobox.tcl removed \ before empty line (potential
	trap) [Bug 2804961] Andreas Kupries
	* dialog.html Documented -geometry option.
	[Bug 1634416] Erik Leunissen

2009-06-10 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* no.rc added norwegian translation file
	[Feature Request 2797153] provided by Lars Martin Hambro
	* passwddlg.tcl (PasswdDlg::_verifonpasswd) check for
	disabled password field and confirm directly.
	[Bug 1642050] (Calvin Bascom) Enter key did not confirm
	dialog when -passwdstate disabled.
	* combobox.tcl (ComboBox::_select) included [Patch 981545],
	but commented out - it works for me without it.

2009-06-10 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* dialog.html Added documentation for option -buttonwidth
	of Dialog
	[Bug 1668587] (Eric Leunissen)

2009-06-10 Harald Oehlmann  <oehhar at users.sourceforge.net>

	* arrow.tcl initialised set _grab(oldstate) to "normal" to avoid
	error when there is a ArrowButton::_leave without corresponding
	ArrowButton::_enter [Bug 2762361]
	* entry.tcl (Entry::_path_command) Add "invoke" to the list of
	internally handled commands
	[Bug 2340320] (patch by relaxmike at users.sourceforge.net)
	* uitils.tcl (BWidget::place) BWidget::place used screen width
	instead window width.
	[Bug 1842346] (patch by Niels Gollesch ngoelles at users.sourceforge.net)
	* listbox.tcl (ListBox::_redraw_selection) Added check if redrawn
	item is on the to-delete list and thus does not exist any more as
	BWidget. [Bug 1752755] (legolas_a20 at users.sourceforge.net]

2008-10-30  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh at ActiveState.com>

	* tree.tcl (Tree::_node_name_rev): Return node names as they are
	input, and properly handle :: in node names.  This changes
	internal node name reps, but should be transparent to the user,
	except for the result of [insert].

2008-05-26  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh at ActiveState.com>

	* tree.tcl (Tree::_redraw_selection):       do not allow empty
	* listbox.tcl (ListBox::_redraw_selection): fill color as that
	creates a transparent item that doesn't return a bbox.  This
	showed up on OS X/Aqua, where the listbox selectforeground
	defaults to empty. [AS Bug 77186 74923]

2007-10-31  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh at ActiveState.com>

        * lang/nl.rc (new): Dutch translation [Bug 1804469]

        * lang/hu.rc (new): Hungarian translation [Bug 1821842]

        * tree.tcl (Tree::insert): do node_name on parent arg [Bug

        * listbox.tcl: speed up ListBox insertion significantly. [Bug

2007-05-11  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh at ActiveState.com>

	* widget.tcl (Widget::theme): make sure Tk 8.5a6 is recognized as
	having the themed widgets

2006-12-20  J. Tang  <tang at jtang.org>

	* util.tcl: fixed BWidget::write for widgets that require
	DynamicHelp.  [bug 1518803]

2006-12-05  Andreas Kupries <andreask at activestate.com>

	* demo/demo.tcl (Demo::main): Removed the 'inscope' qualifier from
	  the 'package require Bwidget'. The package system already forces
	  loading and sourcing of package code in the global namespace, so
	  this is bogus.

2006-11-13  J. Tang  <tang at jtang.org>

	* panedw.tcl: if activator is set to line then its width is set to
	3.  --activator was an undocumented option; updated man page to
	make it documented.  Thanks to Jos Decoster for pointing this out.

2006-11-10  J. Tang  <tang at jtang.org>

	* widget.tcl: remove relative namespace resolution of variables,
	in anticipation of TIP 278.  Widget should have been doing this
	anyways.  [bug 1579744]

	* DragSite.html: noted that -draginitcmd can return an empty
	string to prevent a drag [bug 740499]
	* DropSite.html: fixed documentation with DropSite::register
	command [bug 740474]

	* combobox.tcl: allow autocomplete and autopost be
	enabled/disabled after the widget was created [bug 1588808]; fixed
	keysym in autopost binding [bug 1589111]

	* tree.tcl: fixed error with drag & drop's autoscroll [bug
	* listbox.tcl: fixed error with drag & drop's autoscroll; fixed
	error when dropping at the end of the list

	* Added dynamic help to text tags (man page updated); fixed resize
	bug with scrollframes.  Thanks to Jos Decoster for these patches.

2006-10-20  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh at ActiveState.com>

	* utils.tcl (BWidget::bindMouseWheel): do not make special
	mousewheel bindings if global ones exist (like from style::as)

Please sync bwidget 1.9.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main).
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