[Bug 3200] Non-root user not able to mount webdav-shares

Yann yann at pleiades.fr.eu.org
Sat Jan 21 18:41:12 UTC 2006

Public bug report changed:

I should have said I was talking about the Dapper Drake version. Sorry.

$ cat /usr/share/doc/davfs2/README.Debian
davfs2 for Debian

This package contains 2 binaries and a little script-wrapper in order to avoid
kernel incompatibilities. This will be fixed in future versions.

Allowing a normal user to mount webdav resources
If you want to allow non-root users to mount a davfs file system, you have to set a few things:
 - The suid bit for the corresponding binary:
       # chmod u+s /usr/lib/mount.davfs-<your kernel version>
 - Add to the group 'users' all the users that you want to mount dav file systems:
       # addgroup <username> users
 - Add the following line in the /etc/fstab file with the option 'users'
       http://webdav.site.com/path  /mnt  davfs  rw,users,noauto  0  0

 -- Luciano Bello <luciano at linux.org.ar> Wed, 04 Jan 2006 23:10:03 -0300

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