Launchpad: New member awaiting approval.

Launchpad noreply at
Fri Jan 13 18:20:26 UTC 2006


We received a request from the user named 'LucasNussbaum 
(nussbaum)' trying to join the team 'MOTU Reviewers Team', but
because this is a moderated team, you or another team administrator
will have to log into Launchpad and approve this membership. You can
also do this by clicking on the link in the bottom of this message.

On the other hand, if you think this user should not become a member
of this team, you can go to the link provided on the bottom of this
message and decline this membership. If you're not sure if you should
approve or decline this membership, you can leave this to be done by 
another team administrator.

This is the page where you can approve or decline this membership:


The Launchpad Team
launchpad at

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