[Bug 2379] Re: Screensaver uses only 1/4 of display size

Andrew Ash ash211 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 23:09:58 UTC 2006

Running  $electricsheep --zoom 1 gives the output "warning: cannot zoom
without mplayer or rootwin".  If I add --root 1 as an argument, then
electricsheep will expand to fill the entire screen.  Could this be a
possible problem if your screensaver daemon (probably gnome-screensaver
or xscreensaver) doesn't add this flag?

Also, what version are you running?  2.6.8 is the latest, but I think
Dapper only has 2.6.4 in the repos.

Screensaver uses only 1/4 of display size

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