[Bug 1860] Re: [Bug 1860] Re: fusermount requires fuse module kernel to be loaded, isn't done automagically

Hervé Fache herve at lucidia.net
Mon Apr 10 12:38:00 UTC 2006

There might be a good reason: if the module is loaded and fuse-utils
is not installed, udev won't have any rule for the module and will
create /dev/fuse with mode 660 and owner root.root, meaning that the
fuse tools will fail.

Mount at startup might be ok, but after checking for a udev rule
(feels ugly, doesn't it?). Best would be for fusermount to trigger the
insertion somehow.

2006/4/9, Patrick McFarland <diablod3 at gmail.com>:
> Oh hey! We _can_ reply by email and have it work! Thats a new one! ...  I do _not_ like this feature whatsoever.
> Anyhow, I dont know why the module just isnt loaded at startup using, say, an init.d script like lsm-realtime does and whatnot.
> --
> fusermount requires fuse module kernel to be loaded, isn't done automagically
> https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1860

In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
fusermount requires fuse module kernel to be loaded, isn't done automagically

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