[uds-announce] BAD (Bay Area Debian) key singing party and meeting today!

Marc Cluet marc.cluet at canonical.com
Thu May 10 00:11:56 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

Keysigning - watch this space http://bad.debian.net/list/
details/updates, but the general plan is meet around
2012-05-09 6:05 P.M. PDT
Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS - 
(at Oakland Marriott City Center (1001 Broadway between 10th & 11th
Streets, very close to BART (12th St. station), AC Transit, etc.)
probably as close to Grand Ballroom A as public (not registered for UDS)
folks can get, look for keysigning (and Bay Area Debian) signs.
At about 6:45 P.M., we'll depart for the BAD dinner meeting.

Hope to see you there!

Marc Cluet <marc.cluet at canonical.com>
System Integration Engineer
Canonical Ltd.
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