[uds-announce] UDS task cards

Marcin Juszkiewicz marcin.juszkiewicz at linaro.org
Tue May 8 18:04:22 UTC 2012

W dniu 08.05.2012 10:46, Michelle Surtees-Myers pisze:
> Hi all,
> Last night at the Meet and Greet, we gave out networking cards which
> lists 5 tasks that you need to complete and collect stickers for.
> What you need to do is complete the tasks and collect the stickers from
> Rick (once you've shaken his hand) and at the registration desk or from
> the UDS crew (who today are José Antonio Rey and Paolo Sammicheli). You
> will need to satisfy us that you've completed the tasks first :)

The 5th point should be changed so people from same country should be 
able to satisfy it without being part of LoCo team.

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