[uds-announce] Details for Invisible Exhibition on Wednesday evening

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue May 10 16:00:41 UTC 2011

For everyone who signed up for the Invisible Exhibition[0] on Wednesday evening:

We have gone ahead and purchased 30 tickets for the exhibition. With
the English-speaking guides and group rate they came out to 1200 HUF
each. You will also need 600 HUF for public transit (300 HUF each
way). We're expecting cash, so please let me know (lyz at ubuntu.com or
come find me) if you need to make special payment arrangements or have
any other questions about attending.

As mentioned on the social events page[1] please meet us in the lobby
by 6:15PM as we need to get to the exhibition by 7. A few members of
Hungarian LoCo team will be joining us and helping us navigate public

After the exhibition our plans are pretty fluid, we'll probably be
coming back to the hotel and some of us are going out to dinner, feel
free to join us or make your own plans for the rest of the evening.

Big thanks to Hajnalka Horváth who has made all the arrangements with
the venue. See you tomorrow evening!

[0] http://www.lathatatlan.hu/en/
[1] http://uds.ubuntu.com/social-events/

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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