
Anthony Wong anthony.wong在
星期一 四月 29 04:58:50 UTC 2019

Hi missTell,

I don't do much on Ubuntu Kylin now but I can still forward your email to
the development mailing list so the team can provide you the answers.


On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 11:47 PM <tel_me at> wrote:

> Hi Anthony,
> First of all, if you don't have anything to do with Ubuntu Kylin
> development team, you can stop reading here, delete this mail and
> (hopefully) excuse me.
> If you are the part of development team, please proceed reading.
> I wanted to give it a try -- the latest ubuntukylin-19.04-enhanced-amd64.
> iso
> (MD5: 9038154b8e1c25fc4d37e3d3cac836c8).
> I don't speak Chinese and I tried only English/German.
> It had a few issues and it didn't pass my 3-min test. :(
> 1. Despite choosing German (Deutsch), Start Menu stays English.
> 2. English Start Menu has a different layout from German.
> 3. English in Start Menu: All App, instead of All Apps;
>     Favorite, instead of Favorites; Switch user(~s),
>     Timing Shutdown and Power make no any sense.
>     (Timed Shutdown / Power Off or Shutdown)
> 4. Log-out and Log-in again does not work.
> 5. Keyboard switcher does not function.
> 6. Strange underlines on Task Bar.
> 7. Add language does not work.
> 8. Input passw for WiFi?
> 9. Mouse-over-clock
> 10.Blue text letters in settings panel
> 11.Power Manage text in settings missing *r*
> Screenshots:
> My text is short and it might not be perfectly clear what didi I mean with
> my captions.
> However, together with the screenshots (watch the titles!), it should be
> clear.
> If not, you can still, always contact me on this mail address.
> Kind regards,
> missTell
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