[Ubuntu-ZW] Internship Programme in Open Source Software in the UZ CS Department

Kuda Dube k.dube at massey.ac.nz
Thu Sep 8 01:42:37 UTC 2016

Hi All,

Last time I sent out a call for funding an internship or attachment
programme for 6 UZ students to this mailing. The 6 students wanted to study
open source software development methods  and create locally developed
Linux distro. This created a strong foundation for developing local talent
geared towards contributing to FLOSS in general.

The sad news is that I have got no funding yet.

I also reported that the students managed to create a pre-release and an
ISO image is available. This was their group project. They also worked
individually on selected industrial-sector oriented open source software
packages and presented a research report on these packages. All these works
part of their Honours project.

The internship programme continues in the same format, i.e., (1) work on a
local Linux distro; and (2) work on open source industrial sector-oriented
software, e.g., in education we need an e-learning system like Moodle.
Pride will also work on other important tasks relating to open source
software during the internship. The idea is create groundwork for
developing developer expertise in both the operating system area and the
applications areas across industrial sectors. This could be a small step
towards a grand vision. We plan to make this internship an on-going
programme and so the search for funding will be ongoing.

The good news is that one student, Pride Mavesere, has committed to
continue the work as an intern attached at UZ's Computer Science Department
although we are open if a company offers to host him as he works on this
project. Pride still needs funding for his subsistence while he works on
this project. If you could help even small amounts please contact me
through kuda.dube at rukanda.com. We need your help.

If you are interested in becoming an advisor within this internship
programme, please, let me know. All our meetings in this programme are

I also appeal to the Ubuntu Loco Team to hold your next gathering at the
UZ's Computer Science Department where we now have for the first time one
or two labs that run Ubuntu (dual booting with Windows until we convince
lecturers that its possible to run a degree programme on Linux - I know its
definitely possible at UZ because I am doing it right now).


Kuda Dube Rukanda
Computer Science and Information Technology,
School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Massey University, New Zealand
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