[Ubuntu-ZW] Timezone issues, potentially quite bad

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 06:48:11 UTC 2013

Hi all,

am using Kubuntu 12.10 with all updates and such.

A while ago I posted some issues on the kde-devel list that was 
initially rejected as spam. I had some discussions with the list 
administrator Ben Cooksley.

He informed me that a major problem was that my sending headers were set 
to date as UTC +0204. As we in Harare are UTC +0200 this meant all kinds 
of spamassasin and friends believed my mails to be some kind of bogey.

You can see this in a sent mail by viewing All Headers and look for Date 
sent or similar.

My question to fellow ubuntu-users with computers set to timezone 
Africa/Harare is of course:
Am I the only one having this issue?
Is it possibly a KMail issue or are Thunderbird/Evolution users seeing 
it as well?

If it is "just me" I will have to figure out what is wrong with my setup 
(changing to Lusaka/Zambia fixed it btw).
If it is KMail then I have to bug the devs
If it is Ubuntu time to file a bug there

Kind regards

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