[Ubuntu-ZW] Repository changes and updates

Kalpesh Thaker luminary06 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 08:01:46 UTC 2013

Hi All,

To make space for the upcoming Ubuntu release and the new Debian stable, on
a severely limited hard drive capacity on our local repository, i propose
the following changes:

1 - there doesnt seem to be much use of the Centos Repository which is
taking up about 55gb of space on the server, so i propose removing Centos
completely from the server to make room for distros that will be used more

2 - from the new releases going forward, we will only mirror 64 bit
releases (including LTS's).. as i believe most CPUs from 2007 on-wards
support 64-bit natively... so i'd like to know how many of you out there
still require 32-bit distros and why. Please be objective with your
reasons, as we cannot afford to host a single 32-bit release for the 1 or 2
people who will use it. I will be reviewing stats of current 32 bit
repositories and see how much they are used... all the ones that dont get
used much, will be considered for deletion as well in the near
future...though i'll send an email first.

I know there alot of people out there who use our repository, but are not
on the Ubuntu ZW list... if you could please forward this email to them..
so that we can plan a way forward for everyone who uses the local

I'll need some responses ASAP.. at least by Wednesday as i need to  start
preparing for the new releases :)

On a side note, please dont send in requests to add distros such as Suse,
Novel or anything else...

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